The life and times of Tragicomix.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

lazy sunday

life is about finding enough time for a lazy sunday morning like today..woke up..went to the coffee connection..had a big breakfast at around 10.. had interesting and completely useless discussions with the love of my life over coffee..(stuff memories are made of)..came back..saw some an interesting book on the perils of a life in consulting...

the rest of the day was shitty..weekdays are shitty..but sunday morning is pretty much what i live for..


Blogger That Girl said...

HAllo!! :D thanks for dropping by my blog... welcome anytime

10:37 PM

Blogger shakester said...

hey tragicomix- what about saturday night.
not much to recover from I suppose, if you were up for a big breakfast. So you mean you dont care for weekends but like Sunday mornings only?

and must I trwal through your archives (possibly with no point)or will I be told where you are located?:)

11:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sigh..i am so saturday nights have become tame tepid affairs..

11:13 AM


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